
张小敏12,周国燕1*,郭全友2*,姜朝军2,杨 2

1.上海理工大学医疗器械与食品学院,上海 200093

2.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090

摘要:近年来,为了降低水产品腐败变质带来的经济损失,对其原因进行不断深入研究,揭示了特定腐败菌(Specific Spoilage OrganismSSOs)与水产品腐败机制密切相关。特定腐败菌是导致水产品品质下降的重要原因,群体感应(Quorum sensingQS)调控水产品腐败过程中特定腐败菌的生长代谢及腐败特征。研究SSOs种群特征和生长代谢规律,对数字化预测水产品货架期和抑菌保鲜等具有较大的潜在价值。本文重点分析了SSOs 特征和代谢物定量致腐能力指标,阐述了基于SSOs数学模型预测水产品货架期和水产品保鲜技术应用,旨在为控制腐败菌和延长水产品货架期提供基础理论参考。


中图分类号:TS254.4   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1674-506X202006-0100-0008

Specific Spoilage Bacteria of Aquatic Products and its Application in the Evaluation of Freshness

ZHANG Xiao-min12, ZHOU Guo-yan1*, GUO Quan-you2*, JIANG Chao-jun2, YANG Xu2

1.School of Medical Instrument and Food EngineeringUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;

2.East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China

AbstractIn recent years, in order to reduce the economic loss caused by Spoilage of aquatic products, the causes of the deterioration were studied in depth, and it has been revealed that Specific Spoilage organisms (SSOs) are closely related to the mechanism of Spoilage of aquatic products. Specific spoilage bacteria are an important reason for the decline of aquatic product quality. Quorum sensing (QS) regulates the growth, metabolism and characteristics of specific spoilage bacteria in the process of aquatic product spoilage. The study of SSOs population characteristics and growth and metabolism law has great potential value for the digital prediction of shelf life of aquatic products and antimicrobial preservation. This paper focuses on the analysis of SSOs characteristics and the index of metabolites' quantitative to corruption, and expounds the application of the prediction of shelf life of aquatic products and the preservation technology of aquatic products based on SSOs mathematical model, in order to provide a theoretical reference for the control of spoilage bacteria and the extension of shelf life of aquatic products.

Keywordsaquatic products; specific spoilage bacteria (SSOs); quorum sensing (QS); predictive microbiology; antimicrobial preservation










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247